
Today at the conference hall of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute the Armenian and Russian edition of “Promise me in the Sea” by Vitali Yanko was presented, as well as the monograph of Rubina Pirouoian “The Armenian Genocide in Literature, The Second Generation Responds”.
The books are published by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.
The authors of the books were present at the presentation.
The English monograph “The Armenian Genocide in Literature, The Second Generation Responds” is the fourth book by Rubina Piroomian on the Armenian Genocide. The author has examined the transmission of the genocide impact to the second generation of the Genocide survivors. Just like the case of the previous works the fiction literature becomes the reflection of the genocide impact on the life, present and the future of the second generation of genocide survivors.
The documentary novel “Promise Me in the Sea” by Vitali Yanko presents the story of an Armenian family who survived the Armenian Genocide in 1915-1922. The author has written his book in the seventies of the last century based on the memories of the novel heroine Nargiz Jamkochian. The work introduces the reader to the unbelievable survival stories of some members of the heroine’s family passing the deportation route and the fate of miraculously survived people. The book was first published in English in 2004 in US. By the efforts of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute last year the book was translated to Armenian and Russian.
During the presentation the authors talked about their works and presented signed examples to the participants.