On May 30-31, an international conference on “Armenians of Greece and Cyprus” was held at Haigazian University, Beirut.
AGMI Deputy Director Dr. Edita Gzoyan and Head of Educational Department junior researcher Kristine Najaryan participated at the conference.
Head of the AGMI Victims’ Documentation and Data Collection Department Dr. Shushan Khachatryan’s report “The Orphan of the Near East in Greece: Photos, Documents and Testimonies” was also included in the program. However, the speaker could not present her topic personally as she was unable to travel to Beirut.
Edita Gzoyan’s speech was titled “The League of Nations and the Formation of Armenian Diaspora in Greece and Cyprus”, while Kristine Najarian presented “Alma Johansson’s Humanitarian Dedication to the Greek Armenian Refugee Children.”
Edita Gzoyan touched upon the important role of the League of Nations in the formation of Armenian communities in different countries after the Armenian Genocide. The League of Nations has developed and launched a number of humanitarian projects, which were referred to the liberation, rescue and resettlement of Armenian Genocide survivors. The result was the establishment of the Armenian communities in Greek of Cyprus.
Kristine Najarian presented the continuation of humanitarian activity of a Swedish missionary Alma Johansson in Thessaloniki, Greece, touching upon artistic embroidery of widows and young girls in crafts workshops, the history of the schools in Kharilaos and Hermanno villages near Thessaloniki and especially the further family relations of the schoolchildren.
The opening speeches were delivered by Director of Haigazian University Paul Haidostian and Director of the Armenian Diaspora Research Center Antranig Dakessian. The conference was participated by 29 Armenian and foreign researchers from Armenia, Greece, Cyprus, Great Britain, France, USA, Syria, Lebanon.