The website of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute became a winner in the pan-Armenian competition “ArmNet Awards” project with award conditions, competed for the sites, which have been established for 2009-2011, or during this period of time or have undergone significant changes (design, content, technology used).
The sites of the competition was for Armenian (Armenia or Diaspora) market, or present the culture, the history, the problems of Armenia, Armenians, Armenian Diaspora, or are completely made by a company registered in Armenia. Over 650 websites were submitted to the jury of the competition.
AGMI website became the prize winner from eight nominations in "The Best Content" category, which was planned for the site, which is distinguished by original, interesting and literate content. Note that this is the second similar success of AGMI website. In 2008 AGMI was the main winner in the pan-Armenian competition of the electronic content, as well as winner in the e-Science category. See http://genocide-museum.am/arm/17.01.2009.php