
With the blessing of New Nakhichevan and Russian Diocese of the Armenian Archbishop Yezras Nersisyan, the presentation of the Russian edition of the book “Ravished Armenia”, published by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, took place in the monastic complex, in Moscow, on 2nd November 2013.
During the event a lecture was given by the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Doctor of Historical Sciences Hayk Demoyan. An episode of the silent movie "Auction of Souls", which is based on the stories told by the Armenian Joan of Arc - Arshalouys (Avrora) Martirosyan and produced in 1918 in Hollywood, was also introduced during the presentation.
More details about Avrora Martirosyan, “Ravished Armenia” and the silent movie “Auction of Souls”
you can find here.