
Today the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute hosted Mr. Jean-Yves Camus,a representative of Paris Mayor’s Office. He has arrived in Yerevan to get acquainted with the exhibits being presented in Paris municipal exhibition halls. The exhibition within the centennial events of the Armenian Genocide is being organized by the Paris City Hall and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute collaboration. Paris Mayor’s Office representative Mr. Jean-Yves Camus and the Director of Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan talked of the matters about the exhibition’s organization.
Jean-Yves Camus noted that “The Former Mayor of Paris Bertrand Delanoe and his legal successor Anna Hidalgo made a decision to host an exhibition dedicated to the history and memory of the Armenian Genocide. The exhibition will be opened in April 2015 and will include exhibits and documents provided by the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. Hence, a strong collaboration is carried out with the museum-institute”.
Director of AGMI, Hayk Demoyan stressed the importance of organizing such kind of exhibition in the capital of France. He also noted, that during the past year the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute has carried out a considerable work to prepare for the exhibition and expressed his readiness to provide some exclusive samples and organize an exhibition in the due manner.
Demoyan pointed, that “This exhibition will be unique both in scale and representation. It will be related to the Armenian Genocide, World War I, and the Armenian-French memory and history”.
Paris Mayor’s Office representative also visited AGMI and temporary exhibition of the museum, which illustrates the history of the Armenian Genocide.
We informed that on 1st October 2014 Paris City Council unanimously adopted the message of Paris City Hall to organize events related to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide as well as events for fighting against Genocide denial.