
The Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute researcher Tehmine Martoyan participated in the Conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, which took place in Gyumri on 12th November 2013.
The Conference organized by the “Christian Education Centre” in Shirak region was attended by Shirak Diocese Michael Bishop Ajapahyan, leading researcher of the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of the Republic of Armenia, doctor of historical sciences Haroutyun Maroutyan, Academic Secretary of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, PHD in history Tehmine Martoyan, Armen Gevorgyan the grandson of Armenian revenger Artashes Gevorgyan, delegate Armen Aghababyan and others.
Haroutyun Maroutyan made a speech titled “Remember or forget the ”hard” past?”, where he highlighted the fact, that the Armenians can not abandon the memory heritage of the hard past, which is quite a natural phenomenon. He expressed his conviction, that only by looking back and keeping the memories we can look to the future and move on.
The report of Tehmine Martoyan was dedicated to the denial of the Christian population of the threat of extermination, as in the case of Smyrna, why the Christians in Smyrna exclude the possibility of their elimination.
In her speech Tehmine Martoyan stressed, that while planning the crime of extermination of Christians, Kemalists manipulate different psychological factors, one of them was to make the Christian population shocked.
She ended up by noting, that the belief of the Christian population that nothing catastrophic can happen, is groundless, and thousands of innocent Greeks and Armenians were victims of genocidal policy of the Kemalist regime.