
In November 5, at the Armenian Church Diocesan in Paris St. John the Baptist an exhibition and charity book sale took place. Postcards depicting Armenian churches were presented to the Armenian community in Paris. The postcards were issued in the beginning of the 20th century by the international postal service.
Armenian churches of Western Armenia, Iran, Russia, Georgia, and Armenia were presented on the postcards published in different countries.
AGMI Director Hayk Demoyan said: “Most of the churches no longer exist. This is the sorrowful reality and the meaning of the exhibition. They had been destroyed during the genocide years or as a result of the Turkish policy after the genocide. What you see here is the initial appearance of buildings and churches saved by miracle. Today they are changed. Even turned to mosques, as the case of the Armenian Church in Aintab, or completely changed as St. Sargis Church in Yerevan. Unfortunately, most of these churches were victims of time”.
During the event it was possible to obtain some of the publications of AGMI. The proceeds of the sales will be allocated to the Syrian Relief.
The exhibition will be open till 22 of November.