
The exhibition “Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Press" and the presentation of same titled book was organized by the Armenian Genocide 100th anniversary committee of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran. The guest-speaker of the event was doctor of historical sciences Hayk Demoyan; the author of the book, director of AGMI, and the Secretary of State Commission on coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
The exhibition that opened on 14 November in “Ararat” cultural complex and organized by the initiative of Armenian Genocide 100th anniversary committee of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran, included 60 images that reflect the real picture of the Turkish crime against humanity and civilization, which has always been in the focus of world press.
Several examples from Persian press of the time were also included in the exhibition.
A welcome speech was made by Armenush Arakelyan; chairman of Armenian Genocide 100th anniversary committee of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran, than the guest-speaker of the day Hayk Demoyan delivered a speech, where he referred to the book presentation and exhibition.
He noted: “The capacity of the book and exhibition lies in the fact that we can simply show: without any additional commentary”, and added: “In our strategy we should take in account 3 auditoriums. First the international audience; along with the memory or history of any nation we should introduce the topic of genocide. The second audience is the Turkish one, and the third one is the Armenian, and we need to educate competitive, psychologically and mentally strong generation in Diaspora, Artsakh and Armenia”.
He touched upon the activities of State Commission on coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
The event was attended by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Iran and Embassy staff, Armenian deputies of Iranian Parliament, representatives of National authorities, agencies, associations and “Alik” institution.
In 16 November the exhibition “Armenian Genocide: Front Page Coverage in the World Press" was presented also at “Arasbaran” cultural complex.