
Presentation of the manuals “How to Teach the Topic of Armenian Genocide” and “How to Cover the Topic of Armenian Genocide” took place at the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute (AGMI).
Deputy Director of the AGMI Suren Manukyan presented the manuals. “The manuals are published within the framework of the grant competition announced by the Youth Foundation of Armenia as a partner organization of the RA president and with the efforts of the center for regional and political studies “Prospectus” NGO.
These manuals are very important and modern. They can assist the journalists in covering the issue of the Armenian Genocide, as well as be a useful guide for teachers.
Teachers and journalists are two influential groups of the society, who shape social values and deliver concepts and visions to the generations. Thus, the manuals will assist in accurately presenting the topic to the young and elderly.
The electronic version of these manuals will appear on the AGMI website soon.
The leader of the center for regional and political studies “Prospectus” NGO Regina Galstyan thanked the AGMI for supporting this initiative in her speech.
The coordinator of the grant competition Gayane Manukyan thanked the AGMI for cooperation in different initiatives. She stressed the importance of cooperation with NGOs, who worked with the schools in peripheral regions to fill the gap of the lack of history teachers. The manuals “How to Teach the Topic of Armenian Genocide” and “How to Cover the Topic of Armenian Genocide” include different conventions on genocide, various documents and expert lectures.
The manual for teachers includes scientific articles on how to teach the topic of Armenian Genocide, as well as methods and details how to present the topic in educational establishments. The manual is intended for teachers and wide circles of the society.
The manual for journalists includes articles on how to cover the topic of Armenian Genocide in a literate manner, as well as guidelines and details on how to present the topic to the public.