
On December 17, Hayk Demoyan, the director of AGMI, and the Secretary of State Commission on coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide took part in the International Conference "European Commemoration 2014" in Berlin.
There was a special panel dedicated to the Armenian Genocide titled “The Geographical and Political Dimensions of Memory: the Case of Armenia”. In the official program of the conference it is noted: “2015 will mark the centenary of the massacres against the Armenian population in the Ottoman Empire, an event that has been polarising memory up till now. These conflicting memories pose difficult questions for European politicians and societies. Therefore, this session aims to pay particular attention to research that focuses on how these events are remembered in Europe”.
Dr. Hayk Demoyan had a speech titled “The Armenian Genocide and European History and Memory: Uses and Misuses of the Contextualization”, which was about the significance of the Armenian problem for the European culture of history and memory
The conference was organized by the Institute for International Cultural Relations (Institute für Auslandsbeziehungen) in corporation with the Federal Foreign Office of Berlin.