
On 30 May the director of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Hayk Demoyan met the employees of VivaCell-MTS and presented a lecture titled “The Armenian Genocide in the Eyes of Foreign Writers”.
H. Demoyan referred to the books published in different years by AGMI with the support of VivaCell-MTS. In particular, three books related to the massacres of Adana in 1908 were presented (A. Adosides “Armenians and Young Turks. The Massacres in Cilicia”, Georges Brezol “Turks Have Passed Here” and Ferriman Ducket “Turkish Atrocities, The Young Turks and the Truth about the Holocaust at Adana”), as well as the memories of the US ambassador in the Ottoman Empire Henry Morgenthau.
At the end of the meeting Hayk Demoyan answered to a number of questions of VivaCell-MTS employees.