As part of the comprehensive efforts to have the crime committed in the beginning of the 20th century recognized and condemned, the library of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute has been enriched with rare literature of high scientific interest owing also to the efforts made by Armenia’s Leading Mobile Operator. These volumes – major sources of testimony by eyewitnesses to massacres – are brought from a number of countries and are the voice of both the Armenian nation and the whole civilized world against the crimes committed against humanity.
In particular, the “Letters from Cilicia” by Alice Keep Clark, an American missionary, is a unique primary source of the massacres of Hatchn in 1920.
With VivaCell-MTS support the funds of the library are now enriched with around 200 pieces of museum and exhibition items.
Ralph Yirikian came up with a personal initiative to enhance the collection of the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. The idea to create the Cilician series is part of that initiative. The rare monograph by Ferriman Duckett “The Young Turks and the Truth about the Holocaust at Adana”, the first edition of which appeared in London in 1913, is already reprinted.
“The nation that does not remember its history puts its future under threat of non-existence. Remembering means living by creating and by earning the right to continued existence with dignity and by rejecting injustice. I am one of those whose roots are in Adana, who now live also to cherish our identity, as we have an obligation to our ancestors, ourselves and to our children to stay and contribute to a better future of our holy land, Armenia,” said Ralph Yirikian.
For the support to the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute Ralph Yirikian was awarded with a letter of gratitude, which, was printed on a paper made of the flowers brought to the Eternal fire of the Genocide Memorial on April 24th.
To remind, the flowers deposed at the eternal flame of the Genocide Memorial “revived” thanks to Sunchild Eco-club children. The flower petals dried in special conditions and used in recycled paper turned into nice thank you cards and memos for the Genocide Museum-Institute.
VivaCell-MTS will continue its support to the museum-institute throughout the commemoration events on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.