
On 25th April, the Czech Parliament recognized the Armenian Genocide. The resolution passed with 104 votes.
The resolution reads: “The Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic condemns the crimes against humanity carried out by the Nazis during the Second World War on the Jewish, Roma and Slavic populations in the controlled territories, the genocide of Armenians and other national and religious minorities in the Ottoman Empire during World War I, as well as genocidal acts committed in other parts of the globe, and calls on the international community to effectively halt human and civilian rights violations in the world as well as resolve disputes through peaceful means…”.
Earlier President Milos Zeman also commemorated the 102th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and expressed his support to the Armenian community of Czech Republic.
Note that in 2012 a memorandum was signed between Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute and Prague Lidice Memorial Complex. In 2015-2016 a number of events were organized in cooperation with different Czech centers.