
Over the last year the Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute has embarked on the undertaking of collecting rare artifacts and historical documents testifying the Armenian genocide and the Armenian existence in the Ottoman Empire. This collection campaign has been successful; as such discoveries not only enrich the Museum’s present collection of priceless material but also remain indispensable in their faculty of re-affirming and encapsulating Armenian history both in beauty and in truth.
A few days ago, the museum received a magnificent donation from Anahit Asylian Syrian born American Armenian. Mrs. Asylian donated over 150 embroidered materials that demonstrate the exquisite level of the Armenian mastery of this ancient art. The donation is consisted from 18th, 19th and 20th century Armenian embroideries that have been prepared in various Armenian-Ottoman locations such as, Aintab, Adana and Marash.
Mrs. Anahit Asylian whose family has originated from Aintab, is well known for her collection of Armenian embroidery and has an extensive knowledge of the history of this unique masterwork. Mrs. Asylian is the founder of the “For You Armenia” association and has organized many embroidery exhibits around the world.
Mrs. Asylian’s donation, which serves the purpose of enriching the collection of the museum has been met with great enthusiasm, hence in accordance with a decision of the directing board of the AGMI Mrs. Asylian has been awarded with a certificate of acknowledgment and a gold medal.