
On September 14, Dr. Harutyun Tirani Marutyan, by secret ballot, was elected a as new director of AGMI during the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Armenian Genocide Museum – Institute” foundation.
Thirteen members of the Board of Trustees, headed by the president of AGMI board Dr. Raymond Kévorkian, were present at the session. Issues related to the Fund's activities were also discussed during the closed meeting.
1980-1983 - Institute of Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow,
Post-Graduate student,
Ph.D., June 12, 1984,
Specialty: Cultural Anthropology
1973-1978 - Yerevan State University, Faculty of History (MA), June 23, 1978,
Specialty: Ethnography
1963-1973 - N 114 school (with advanced teaching of English)
Collective Memory and National Identity,
Genocide Memory and National Identity,
Modern National Movements (Karabagh Movement),
Conflict Resolution,
Poverty Issues,
Subethnic Groups of Armenians,
Area Researches,
Traditional Armenian Culture (settlements, dwellings, furniture, handicrafts), Ethnic history
1984, July – present - Head Researcher (2017-present),
Leading Researcher (2008-2016),
Senior Research Fellow (1989-2008), Research Fellow (1987-1989),
Junior Research Fellow (1984-1987), Department of Ethnography (since 2005 – Department of Contemporary Anthropological Studies), Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan
2007, March – 2009, August - Expert (2009); “Center of Arme¬nian Studies” Manager (2008); Project manager (2007) “Noravank” Scientific-Educational Foundation
2000, September – 2002, December - Technical Consultant (on Armenian Cultural Heritage related issues), “Armenia Cultural Heritage Initiative” IDF Grant (World Bank)
1989, January – 1993, December - Scientific Consultant, State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia, “Sardarabad Battle” Memorial Park, Armavir region
1983, April – 1984, July
1978, October – 1979, December - Head of Department, State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia, “Sardarabad battle” Memorial Park, Armavir region
2017, April – May - Visiting Professor of History, Chair of Armenian Studies (“History and Identity in Pictures: the Karabagh Movement (1988-90) and the Armenian Genocide Memory”), Pazmany Peter Catholic University (Budapest)
1991 – 2013 - Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Ethnography (“Anthropology of Peoples of Africa and America”), Yerevan State University
2010, September – 2011, December - Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Cultural Anthropology (“Anthropology of Memory”), Yerevan State Linguistic University after Valeri Brusov
2017, April–May - Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Chair of Armenian Studies, Pazmani Peter Catholic University, Budapest (Hungary)
2017, September – 2018, July - Conducting cultural heritage research in Tavush region of Armenia, preparation of Report for Smithsonian Institution (USA) and My Armenia Cultural Heritage Tourism Program
2005, November–December - Preparation of the Project Evaluation Report on Trans-Caucasus Tourism Initiative Beneficiaries’ Assessment-Armenia
2005, January–February - Researcher, “Rural Enterprise and Small-Scale Commercial Agriculture Development Project” (Region-wide qualitative social study comissioned by the World Bank)
2003, March–April - Anthropologist/Consultant, “A Qualitative Poverty Assessment in Armenia” (Region-wide qualitative social study comissioned by the World Bank), co-author of the report
2001, January–April - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Armenia Ur-ban Heating Strategy” (Nation-wide qualitative social assessment com¬mis-sioned by the JEP/TACIS), co-author of the report
2000, August–October - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Armenia Natural Resources Management and Poverty Reduction Project” (Region-wide qualitative social study comissioned by the World Bank), co-author of the report
1999, October–November - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Social Dimensions of Utility Price Increases” (Nation-wide qualitative ethnographic study comissioned by the World Bank)
1998, May–June - Anthropologist/Consultant, “A Beneficiary Assessment of Paros, the Government of Armenia's social targeting system” (Nation-wide qualitative ethnographic study comissioned by the World Bank)
1997, November–December - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Poorest of the Poor in Armenia” (Nation-wide qualitative
ethnographic study comissioned by the World Bank)
1996, July–November - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Social Assessment of the Education and Health Sectors in Armenia”, (Nation-wide qualitative ethnographic study comissioned by the World Bank)
1994, July–1995, February - Anthropologist/Consultant, “Poverty and the Strategy of Survival in Armenia”, (Nation-wide qualitative ethnographic study comissioned by the World Bank)
2016 – 2017 - Member of the “Historians’ Association of Armenia”
2015 – present - Representative of Armenia at 9-14th meetings of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Experts for Roma issues (CAHROM), Council of Europe
2015 – present - Member of Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) (USA)
2015 - Member of International Association of Genocide Scholars
2015 – 2016 - International Advisory Board Member, “International Journal of Armenian Genocide Studies”
2014 – present - Member of International Association for Armenian Studies / Association Internationale Des Etudes Arméniennes
2014 – present - Member of Professional Council for matters of Protecting Intangible Cultural Heritage Adjunct to the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Armenia
2013 – 2016 - Member of Editorial Board, “Journal of Genocide Studies”
2012, Sept. – present - Member of Expert Group of State Commission on Coordination of the Events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
2007 – 2015 - Member of the Scientific Council, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute
2007 – present - Member of the Scientific Council, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences, Armenia
2007 – 2008 - Deputy Chief-Editor, “21-st Century”: Informational and Analythical Journal. “Noravank” Scientific-Educational Foundation
1999 – 2012 - Member of Expert Commision of Preservation of the Historical and Cultural Monuments, Ministry of Culture of Armenia
2007 – 2008 - Member of Stamps Council, “Haypost” CJSC
1996 - Member of the World Presiding Board, International Commission on Traditional Architecture and Interior Design, The International Organization on Folk Art (UNESCO)
1991–1995 - Member of the Scientific Council,
2011 – present - Museum of History of Yerevan
1989–1995 - Member of the Scientific Council, State Museum of Ethnography of Armenia
2010 – 2017 - Member of US Alumni Association of Armenia (USAAA)
2008 – present - Member of National Congress of Western Armenians (NCWA), National Council member (since 2011)
1999 – 2005 - Member of US Research and Education Programs Alumni Armenian Association, Board member
1997 – 2004 - Founding Member of Non-Governmental Organization “Hazarashen Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies”, Board Member
1993 – 1997 - Member of Non-Governmental Organiza-tion “Caucasus”, Board Member
1981 – present - Member of “Vaspurakan” Countrymen Association, Board Member (1995-2001, responsible for scholarly works), Vice-President (2006-present)
2016, June 3–September 30 - MyArmenia Cultural Heritage Fellow, Smithsonian Institution
2014, March–December - Researcher, “Armenia Total(itar)is: Oral History Project on Soviet Era Repressions, part 3”, commissioned by
dvv international (Germany), “Hazarashen” Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies NGO (Armenia)
2013, June–August - DAAD Visiting Scholar, project “Armenian ‘Unnoticed’ Revolution of 1988-1990 and 1989 Eastern European Revolutions: Regularities, Similarities, and Differences”, Institute of European Ethnology (Humboldt University, Berlin), Germany
2013, February–December - Researcher, “Armenia Total(itar)is: Oral History Project on Soviet Era Repressions, part 2”, commissioned by dvv international (Germany), “Hazarashen” Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies NGO (Armenia)
2012, March–November - Researcher, “Armenia Total(itar)is: Oral History Project on Soviet Era Repressions, part 1”, commissioned by
dvv international (Germany), “Hazarashen” Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies NGO (Armenia)
2012, January–2013, January - Project Coordinator, “Speaking to One Another: Adult Education and Oral History Contributing to the Armenian-Turkish Reconciliation”, commissioned by
dvv international (Germany), “Hazarashen” Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies NGO (Armenia)
2009, September–2010, March - Diane and Howard Wohl Research Fellow, project “Memory Based on Politics: Comparative Study of Armenian and Jewish Experience”, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum/Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies (Washington, DC), USA
2005, April–June - Researcher, project “Stories on Poverty and the Poor-2”, commissioned by GTZ Strategy Development Project (Germany), Armenia
2003, September–2004, June - Fulbright Visiting Scholar (Field: Political Science), project “The Role of Historical Memory in the Democratization of Society”, MIT (Cambridge, MA), USA
2000, May–September - Researcher, project “Stories on Poverty and the Poor” (composing and publishing a book for General reader), World Bank, “Small Grants 2000”, Armenia
1999, August–October - Researcher, project “Refugees and Locals: A Process of Ten Years Interrelations (according to Materials of Vardenis and Vayots Dzor)” (Region wide stratified random sample survey and study commissioned by NGOC/UNHCR), Armenia
1999, February–June - Director, project “Armenian Gypsies: traditions, modern situation and perspectives”, Open Society Institute Assistance Foundation – Armenia
1998, August–November - IREX Regional Scholar Exchange Program Fellow (Field: Conflict Resolution; Subfield: Political Science), project “Identity in Pictures: from understanding regional conflicts toward their resolution”, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI), USA
1998, January–March - Researcher, project “Cultural Dialogue for Harmonious Coexistence” (Region wide stratified random Sample survey and study comissioned by NGOC/UNHCR), Armenia
Winner of the competition “Productive Researcher – 2017” – Organized by State Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia – June 7, 2018
Winner of the competition “Productive Researcher – 2016” – Organized by State Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia – September 24, 2016
Winner of the competition “Productive Researcher – 2014” – Organized by State Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia – February 12, 2015
Recipient of Movses Khorenatsi medal – On the occasion of the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia, and for the achievements in the field of social sciences – September 18, 2014
Recipient of the Memorial Medal of the Prime-Minister of Armenia – For long-term and efficient scholarly activities and in connection with 70th anniversary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia – September 12, 2013
Recipient of the President of the Republic of Armenia Prize in the nomination of persons having made a valuable contribution to the recognition of the Armenian Genocide – For his methodologically innovative research into the continuity of the memory of the Armenian Genocide and its relationships with the Karabagh Movement – May 29, 2012
Best Young Anthropologist of Institute of Ethnography – voted by Selection Committee of Institute of Ethnography of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow – April 21, 1982
Red Diploma awarded for academic excellence in graduating from the Yerevan State University – June 20, 1978
Doctor of Sciences/Habilitation Doctor (in History) (Doktor istoricheskikh nauk), April 10, 2007 – Collective
and Historical Memory in the Context of Armenian National Identity (Based on Historical-Ethnographical Materials of the 20th Century). Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan. Specialty: Social Anthropology.
PhD (Kandidat istoricheskikh nauk), June 12, 1984 –
The Interior of the Armenian National Dwellings (Second Half of the XIX - Beginning of the XX century) . Institute of Ethnography, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Specialty: Cultural Anthropology.
Stalin Era Repressions in Armenia: History, Memory, Everyday Life. Yerevan, “Gitutyun” Publishing House, 2015, 440 p. Anthropology of Memory 5. Co-authors: Hranush Kharatyan, Gayane Shagoyan, Levon Abrahamyan (in Armenian).
Capitals of Armenia. Book 1: Van. Proceedings of the International Conference, Dedicated to 2865th Anniversary of the First Record about City of Van (October 7-9, 2010). Yerevan, “Gitutyun” Publishing House, 2013, 352 p., 200 ill. Compiler, editor and author of the Introduction (in Armenian).
Iconography of Armenian Identity. Volume 1: The Memory of Genocide and the Karabagh Movement. Yerevan: “Gitutyun” Publishing House, 2009. Anthropology of Memory 3. XVI+416 p., 1 map, 256 ill. (in English).
Iconography of Armenian Identity. Volume 1: The Memory of Genocide and the Karabagh Movement. Yerevan: “Gitutyun” Publishing House, 2009. Anthropology of Memory 3. 432 p., 1 map, 256 ill. (in Armenian).
Stories on Poverty: Book 2. Edited by Hranush Kharatyan, Harutyun Marutyan. Yerevan: The ‘Hazarashen’ Armenian Center for Ethnological Studies, 2007, 544 p. (co-authors: Ara Gulyan, Hranush Kharatyan, Harutyun Marutyan et al) (in Armenian).
The Role of Memory in the Structure of National Identity: Theoretical Questions. Yerevan: Noravank, 2006, 89 p. (in Armenian).
Armenian Folk Arts, Culture, and Identity. Edited by Levon Abrahamian, Nancy Sweezy, photography editor Sam Sweezy. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2001, 312 p. (co-authors: Harutyun Marutyan, Hamlet Petrosyan, Hripsime Pikichyan et al) (in English).
Stories on Poverty. Edited by Hranush Kharatyan. Yerevan: Lusakn Press, 2001, 432 p. (co-authors: Levon Abrahamian, Ara Gulyan, Hranush Kharatyan, Harutyun Marutyan et al) (in Armenian).
The Interior of the Armenian Traditional Dwellings (Second Half of the XIX - Beginning of the XX century) in Armenian Ethnography and Folklore. Vol. 17. Yerevan: Armenian Aca¬demy Sciences Press, 1989, pp. 63-142+48 tables of ill. (in Russian).
For the all list of articles click here
https://sci.academia.edu/Harutyun_Marutyan .
International Conference “Armenia 2018: Realities and Perspectives.” American University of Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia), June 22-24, 2018.
International Conference “The Funeral Rite from Ancient times Till Nowadays.” Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia), May 21-24, 2018.
International Conference “The Concept of the Armenian Soviet Culture.” Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), April 26-27, 2018.
International Conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Karabagh Movement. Artsakh State University. Stepanakert (Republic of Artsakh), March 15-17, 2018.
The 18th Republican Conference “Tradition and Modernity in Armenian Culture.” Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia), November 27-29, 2017.
The First International Conference on Nations Under Genocide. Budapest, Pazmany Peter Catholic University, Salahaddin University-Erbil, 19-21 April, 2017.
“The Diaspora in front of New Horizones: The Identity Issues of Diasporan Armenians.” The Armenian Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia, The Ministry of Diaspora of Armenia. Anthelias-Beirut (Lebanon), July 10-14, 2017.
International Conference-workshop “Asia Minor Peoples Conference: United in Rights.” National Congress of Western Armenians, Berlin (Germany), January 28-29, 2017.
International Conference “The Armenian Genocide and the Problem of Reparation.” National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), November 22-23, 2016.
International Conference “The Armenian Diaspora in the Russian Federation.” Yerevan State University, Armenian Studies Department of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Yerevan (Armenia), October 13-14, 2016.
International Conference “Critical Approaches to Armenian Identity in the 21st Century: Vulnerability, Resilence and Transformation.” Hrant Dink Foundation, Istanbul (Turkey), October 7-8, 2016.
International Conference “The Armenian Diaspora and Armenian-Russian Relations: History and Modern Times.” The Moscow State University after M. V. Lomonosov, Faculty of History of Moscow State University, “Aniv” Foundation of Development and Support to Armenian Studies. Moscow (Russian Federation), September 14-16, 2016.
Republican Conference “Twenty-five Years of New Armenian Statehood.” National Academy of Science of Armenia, Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), July 5, 2016.
International Conference “Historical Tayk. History, Culture, Confession.” Mesrop Mashtots Institute of Ancient Manuscripts – the Matenadaran, National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Armenian National Committee of Byzantine Studies. Yerevan (Armenia), June 22-24, 2016.
Conference on Genocide in Literature: Jewish and Armenian Perspectives. American University of Armenia in cooperation with the Department of Hebrew Literature, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Heksherim the Research Institute for Jewish and Israeli Literature and Culture. Yerevan (Armenia), April 13-14, 2016.
International Conference “Commemoration without Borders – European Commemoration II.” Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, The Research Centre for East European Studies, The German Association for East European Studies. Berlin (Germany), December 15, 2015.
International Conference “Mapping Memories of Post-1989 Europe.” Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung/bpb). Vienna (Austria), November 29 – December 1, 2015.
The 17th Republican Conference “Tradition and Modernity in Armenian Culture.” Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-20, 2015.
International Conference “Armenian Genocide – 100. From Recognition to Reparation.” National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), October 15-16, 2015.
International Conference, devoted to the 100th Anniversary of Musa Ler Heroic Defense. Center for Armenian Studies and Faculty of History of Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), September 17, 2015.
The Third International Conference “Cultural Policy and Policy for Culture: the Role of Culture in post-2015 Development Agenda,” devoted to the 70th Anniversary of UNESCO. Yerevan (Armenia), July 11-13, 2015.
The Twelfth Conference of the International Association of Genocide Scholars. American University of Armenia, Yerevan (Armenia), July 8-12, 2015.
Hundred Years of Memory. International Conference on Armenian Genocide. Peter Pazmany Catholic University. Budapest (Hungary), May 16, 2015.
Genocide and Global History: A Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. UCLA (USA), April 10-11, 2015.
Crossing the Centennial: The Historiography of the Armenian Genocide Re-Evaluated. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), March 19-20, 2015.
Wild Europe: From August 1914 to the Shoah. International conference organized by the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Political Sciences. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece), June 12-14, 2014.
Current Practicies in Armenian Studies: The Creation and Visibility of New Knowledge. International conference organized by The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, UCLA Research Program in Armenian Archaeology and Ethnography. University of California, Los Angeles (USA), May 31-June 1, 2014.
The Caucasus Frontline of the First World War: Genocide, Refugees and Humanitarian Assistance. International conference organized by Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia. Yerevan (Armenia), April 21-22, 2014.
Caucasus Connections Conference. Organizers – The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) and The Sinor Research Institute for the Inner Asian Studies at Indiana University. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (USA), April 4-5, 2014.
Congress of International Center for Dialogue of Civilizations “Values through Folklore”. Antelias-Beirut (Lebanon), November 16-18, 2013.
Second International Congress on Armenian Studies “Armenian Studies and the Challenges of Modern Times”. Yerevan (Armenia), October 17-19, 2013.
New Reality of Minorities: Future Horizons for the Armenian Community in Turkey. “Jamanak” Armenian Daily Newspaper Centenary Celebrations of its Foundation Process of Closing Activities Symposium. Istanbul (Turkey), May 25, 2013.
Armenian Genocide: Challenges on the Eve of Centenary. International Conference organized by State Commission on Coordination of the Events Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Yerevan (Armenia), March 22-23, 2013.
The Problems of the Armenian Identity in the 21st Century. International Conference, organized by the Chair of Armenian Diaspora at Yerevan State University and the Center of Research on Armenian Diaspora at Beirut Haykazian University. Yerevan (Armenia), March 13-14, 2013.
Teaching the Holocaust in the 21st Century. Second Euroclio-Yad Vashem Partnership Development Seminar. International School for Holocaust Studies of Yad Vashem. Jerusalem (Israel), December 4-9, 2012.
Comparison of Armenian and Jewish Experience: From the Ideology to State Foundation. Workshop. Eurasia International University, Paideia Project Incubator (The European Institute for Jewish Studies in Sweden). Yerevan (Armenia), July 23-27, 2012.
Learning from the Past: Global Perspectives on the Holocaust Education. Salzburg Global Seminar. Salzburg (Austria), June 27-July 1, 2012.
Caucasus, Conflict, Culture: First Symposium on Anthropology and the Prevention of Conflicts in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. Tbilisi (Georgia), October 31 – November 5, 2011.
Archaeology, Ethnology, and Folklore of Caucasus. International Conference. Tsakhkadzor (Armenia), September 25-29, 2011.
Russian Culture in the Years of WWI and Revolution (1914-1922). International Conference. Saint-Petersburg European University (Russia), June 11-12, 2011.
Structural Peculiarities of Armenian Genocide and Jewish Holocaust Memory. Public Lecture at Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute in the Frames of the Holocaust Victims Remembrance Week. Yerevan (Armenia), May 4, 2011.
The Jewish and Armenian Repatriation Experience and the Possibility of its Application in Artsakh. Workshop. Stepanakert (Nagorno-Karabagh Republic), March 1-3, 2011.
Prospects for Reconciliation: Theory and Practice. International Conference. Yerevan (Armenia), November 26-27, 2010.
Armenian Public and Political Thought at the end of 20th – beginning of 21st century. International Conference, dedicated to 75th Anniversary of Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Bryusov. Yerevan (Armenia), November 18-19, 2010.
Van – 2865. International Conference dedicated to 2865th Anniversary of the First Record about Van city. Yerevan (Armenia), October 7-9, 2010.
Armenians and Jews: The Transformations of Historical Perceptions. Seminar at Chair of Arabic Studies, Yerevan State University. Yerevan (Armenia), May 31 – June 5, 2010.
The 1946-1948 Repatriation and its Lessons: the Issue of Repatriation Today. Tsakhkadzor (Armenia), 12-14 December, 2008.
Hamshen and Hamshen Armenians: History and Culture. Yerevan (Armenia), July 23, 2008.
The problems of Western Armenians’ Claims. International Conference. Nicosia (Cyprus), April 18-20, 2008.
Problems of Tolerance and Xenophobia in the South Caucasus Region: Challenges to Peace and Trust Building. Yerevan (Armenia). February 25, 2008, Armenian Genocide Museum and Institute.
From Memory to Memorialization. Yerevan (Armenia). November 27-28, 2007, Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute.
Identities in a Changing World. Yerevan (Armenia). July 10-12, 2007, Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov.
Armenia-Diaspora Conference III. Yerevan (Armenia), September 18-20, 2006.
II Colloquium of Intercultural Dialogue. Borderland Foundation and the Center “Borderland – of Arts, Cultures, Nations”, Tbilisi (Georgia), 2005.
Democracy Building in Armenia: New Challenges. Seminar of US Research and Education Programs Alumni Armenian Association. Tsakhkadzor (Armenia), 2004.
South Caucasus: Ethno-Cultural Diversity and Regional Unity. III International Conference. South Caucasus Network for Civil Accord. Tbilisi (Georgia), 2003.
Peace and Development in Caucasus. International scientific-practical conference. Academy of Sciences of Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation. Moscow (Russia), 2001.
Europe and Central Asia Forum on Poverty Reduction Strategies. International Monetary Fund, World Bank. Moscow (Russia), 2000.
Regional Dynamics of the Black and Caspian Sea Basins. IREX Alumni Conference, Odesa (Ukraine), 2000.
Democracy Building in Armenia: Seminar IV. Culture and Society in Transition. Tsakhkadzor (Armenia), July 1999 (Funded by USIA and IREX).
The First International Conference “Problems of Ethnology of the Caucasus”. Yerevan (Armenia), 1999.
The VIII Republican Conference on Armenian Art. Yerevan (Armenia), 1997.
The Republican Scientific Conferences Devoted to the Results of the Ethnographic
and Folklore Field-Works. Yerevan (Armenia), 2007, 2006, 2004, 1999, 1995, 1990, 1987.
The Republican Conference
Questions of Researching the Armenian National
Culture. Artsakh. Yerevan (Armenia), 1992.
All Union Scientific Conference
National Problems and Ethnic Conflicts: Searching Ways of Their Solution. Bishkek (Kyrgyzia), 1991.
All Union Scientific Conferences Devoted to the Results of Ethnographic and Anthropological Field-Work Researches. Alma-Ata (Kazakhstan), 1990; Sukhum (Georgia, Abkhasia), 1988.
The V, VII,VIII Republican Conferences of Young Scientists. Yerevan (Armenia),
1988, 1986, 1982.
All Union Scientific Conference
Ethnology and the Propaganda of Ethnographic Knowledge. Omsk (Russia), 1987.
All Union Scientific Conference
The Museum and Ethnographic Problems of Contemporaneity. Leningrad (Russia), 1984.
“The 1915 Genocide in the Context of Armenian Collective and Historical Memory” at “Genocide and Global History: A Conference on the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide”. UCLA (USA), April 10-11, 2015.
“The Institute of the Righteous among the Nations in the Armenian and the Jewish cases” at “Crossing the Centennial: The Historiography of the Armenian Genocide Re-Evaluated”. University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA), March 19-20, 2015.
“Memory and Identity in the Armenian Diaspora of the US: A View from Yerevan” at “Current Practicies in Armenian Studies: The Creation and Visibility of New Knowledge”. International conference organized by The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA, UCLA Research Program in Armenian Archaeology and Ethnography. University of California, Los Angeles (USA), May 31-June 1, 2014.
“Armenians and Jews: Neighbors in Memory” at “Caucasus Connections Conference”. Organizers – The American Research Institute of the South Caucasus (ARISC) and The Sinor Research Institute for the Inner Asian Studies at Indiana University. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana (USA), April 4-5, 2014.
“Genocide Memory and Armenian National Identity Changes on the Path to Indepen-dence” at St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church, Washington, DC, April 6, 2010.
“Memory of the Armenian Genocide and the Jewish Holocaust in the Light of Edward Linenthal’s Book Preserving Memory” at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Washington, DC, January 20, 2010; American University of Washington, DC, College of Arts and Science, Department of History, Jewish Studies Program, January 28, 2010.
“Historical Memory and Armenian National Identity Changes During the Karabagh Mo¬vement (1988-1990)” at Northeastern University, Boston (Massachusetts), March 30, 2004; St. Gregory’s Armenian Apostolic Church, San Francisco (California), April 3, 2004; UCLA, Los Angeles (California), April 14, 2004; National Association for Ar¬me¬nian Studies and Research (NAASR), Boston (Massachusetts), April 21, 2004; Study Group on Modern Turkey, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Cam¬bridge (Massachusetts), April 28, 2004.
“Historical Memory and the Karabagh Movement: Remembering the Future and the Path to Armenian Independence” at Department of Anthropology, Rice University Houston, (Texas), March 11, 2004.
“Rituals of Defence: Historical Memory and Socio-Political Change in Armenia” at Hous¬ton Community College, Houston (Texas), March 9, 2004.
“Rituals of Defence Mobilizing the Karabagh Movement (Armenia, 1988-1990)” at An¬thro¬pology Program, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (Massa¬chusetts), January 22, 2004; University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley (California), April 2, 2004.
“Iconography of Karabagh Movement as Index of Transformation of Armenian Identity” at the Center for International and Comparative Studies, Northwestern University, Evan¬ston (Illinois), November 12, 1998.
“The Genocide of Armenians and the Transformation of National Identity According to Posters and Banners of the Kharabagh Movement” at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar¬bor, November 10, 1998.
“The Armenian Genocide (as Reflected in the Posters and Banners of the Karabagh Mo¬ve¬ment)” at the Armenia General Benevolent Union Detroit Chapter, AGBU Alex and Marie Manoogian School, Southfield (Michigan), October 30, 1998.
“Ethnic Stereotyping, Conflict and Conflict Resolution” at The Fletcher School of Dip¬lo¬macy, Tufts University, October 16, 1998.
“Struggle for National Independence in Baltic countries and Transcaucasus: Differences and Similarities” at the Center for Slavic and East European Studies, University of Cali¬for¬nia at Berkeley, April 21, 1991.
“Glasnost, Perestroika, and the Prospects for Change in the Soviet Union” at the Univer¬si¬ty of Nevada, Reno, April 19, 1991.
“Ethnography and the Study of Ethnic Groups in the Soviet Union” at the University of Nevada, Reno, April 18, 1991.
“The Nationalities Question in the Soviet Union” at the University of Nevada, Reno, Ap¬ril 17, 1991.