
On May 18, permanent exhibition on the Armenian Genocide will be opened at the Riga Ghetto and Latvian Holocaust Museum. This exhibition is a joint effort of the Riga Ghetto, Baltic International Tolerance Center and the Armenian Genocide Museum-Institute. The AGMI design group has performed the design works.
The work was assisted by a representative of the Armenian community of Latvia, businessman Mkhitar Mkhitaryan.
For the organization of this exhibition the AGMI has donated original exhibits. AGMI director Hayk Demoyan, the leader of the “Shamir” congregation, Rabbi Menahem Barkahan, representatives of the Armenian community of Latvia were present at the opening of the exhibition.
The event featured the ambassador of Israel to Latvia and the Patriarch of the Lutheran Church. Hayk Demoyan awarded Franz Werfel's medal to the Riga Ghetto Museum and the gold medal named after Fridtjof Nansen to Mkhitar Mkhitaryan .