
AGMI Deputy Director Suren Manukyan participated in the conference “Representing Perpetrators of Mass Violence” held at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 31 August–3 September, 2016. His presentation was titled “The Red Sultan: The Image of Abdul Hamid II in the World Media”
This conference aimed to explore the questions and problems that arise in the context of the representation of perpetrators in the media, public discourse, in cultural representations, as well as in education and academic scholarship. The conference title referred to all forms of representation, including self-representation, representation in the news and the media, fictional representation (in literature, film, and the arts), legal representation, representation in the accounts and testimonies of their victims and survivors, and representation in academic scholarship of various disciplines (including history, sociology, anthropology, political science, literary and cultural studies, media studies, philosophy, law, criminology, religious studies, etc.).
This conference was the second international conference organized by the Perpetrator Studies Network.
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