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A memorial of the victims of the Armenian Genocide was opened in the central park of the town of Avignon. Armenian Ambassador to France Edward Nalbandian and Mayor of Avignon Marie-Jose Roig were present to the opening ceremony of the memorial. A number of French parliamentarians, representatives of local self-government bodies, the leaders of the Armenian communities of France, as well as journalists and citizens from Avignon were present to the event. "By founding such memorials people of the France would let the world know that they are faithful and are ever advocating the Recognition of the Armenian Genocide� said Ambassador Nalbandian.
Bulgarian Orthodox Church Synod admits the 1915 events as Genocide.
 Holy Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church sent condolences to Catholicos of All Armenians, his Holiness Garegin II over the Armenian Genocide at the hands of the Ottoman Empire in 1915.
�Bulgarians and their Church, like the Armenians and their Church, were also subjected to severe persecution and tortures under the five century-long Ottoman yoke. There is a 70,000 strong Armenian community in Bulgaria. They are the heirs of Armenians who escaped the genocide. May the memory of the genocide victims last forever,� notes the letter.
 On November 19 during a plenary session of MERCOSUR Parliament in Montevideo (Uruguay), the Deputies representing Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay confirmed the decision on recognition of the Armenian Genocide with the majority of votes. Earlier the decision was unanimously adopted in the Human Rights Committee of the same Parliament.
�The Parliament of MERCOSUR decisively condemns the genocide against Armenians perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire in 1915-1923, which took the lives of 1.5 million people and supports the fair cause of the Armenian people. The Parliament calls on the Governments and Parliaments which have not yet recognized the Armenian Genocide to take similar decisions.�
MERCOSUR is a South American organization featuring Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. The organization was founded in 1986.
 Those Employed to Guard Ani are Destroying Ani
During the 1980s and 1990s, when the whole site of Ani was under the full control of the Turkish Army, very little damage was done to the remains as a result of the activities of treasure hunters. This was in marked contrast to most other archaeological sites in Turkey.
In 2004, as a result of a decision made by the Turkish Ministry of Defence, the responsibility for the day-to-day control of the Ani archaeological site was passed from the Turkish Army to the Turkish Ministry of Culture. The immediate effect of this was that it was now possible to travel to Ani without needing a permit, photography within the site was now permitted, and only a token number of soldiers would now patrol the site.
U.S. House Committee adopts Armenian Genocide Resolution.
 After discussion that lasted for about 3 hours the committee of foreign affairs of the U.S.
House affirmed Resolution 106 on the Armenian Genocide on October 10. The Committee voted 27 to 21 in favor of the Resolution. In his opening remarks, the Committee chairman, Tom Lantos called on the Congressmen to vote in good conscience.
Before the meeting of the committee Speaker Nancy Pelosi had invited the Catholicos of All Armenian Garegin II visiting the United States on these days to the Congress.
Armenia proposed a resolution on the Prevention of genocide.
 The Press and Information Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RA informs about the adopted resolution initiated by Armenia in the six session of the Human Rights� Council.
On September 28 in 2007 Armenia Resolution on the Protection of cultural heritage as an important component of the promotion and protection of cultural rights was unanimously adopted in the six session of the Human Rights� Council.
This interregional resolution was written by HRC members and watchers Egypt, Algeria, Tunis, Russian Federation, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka, Angola, Kazakhstan, Belarus and the like.
"Olympic Dream for Darfur" actionat the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
 In an effort to end the genocide currently unfolding in Darfur, the Armenian Assembly of America, in collaboration with �Olympic Dream for Darfur,� organized a symbolic Olympic-style torch relay at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Armenia is the third stop on an international symbolic Olympic Torch Relay that began border on August 8, 2007. International relay will travel through countries that define the terrible history of genocide: Rwanda, Armenia, Bosnia, Germany and Cambodia.
Olympic Dream for Darfur Symbolic International Torch Relay.
 Olympic Dream for Darfur is a global advocacy campaign, whose goal is to secure protection for the civilians of Darfur. A symbolic, international torch relay has already begun and will pass through those countries whose peoples have experienced genocide. The relay began on the Darfur/Chad border in early August, then went to Rwanda. Other countries to be visited include Armenia, Bosnia, Germany and Cambodia. (Symbolic torch relays are also being carried out in the United States and around the world.)
One of the principal goals of Dream for Darfur is to show what happens when the world looks away from genocide and to link the genocides and slaughters of the 20th century, to what is happening in Darfur today.
The Mayor of Nice gave honor to the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
 The Mayor of Nice, Senator Jacques Peyrat visited Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex. During the visit Mayor Jacques Peyrat put a wreath to the Memorial of the Armenian Genocide victims. He also planted a fir at the Memory Alley and visited the Genocide Museum.
Mr. Peyrat left a note in the Commemoration Book, where particularly mentioned: �Man treats a man like a wolf. We all know about it. However, there are sense of justice, love and philanthropy in him. Yes, until there exists even one survivor, the exterminated nation can revive.�
Serge Sargsyan's visit to the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute.
 The Prime Minister of RA Serge Sargsyan visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute. Serge Sargsyan got acquainted to the main problems in the vicinity of the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. PM Serge Sargsyan gave necessary instructions for the protection and the development of the Tsitsernakaberd Park. During the visit an arrangement was made to preserve, reform the Tsitsernakaberd park, which is the most expand green area and the most important ecological part of the capital. Moreover to develop a complete program of future activities and to introduce it to the government of the Republic of Armenia.
The park area near the Genocide Museum & Institute is 98 hectare. The main area project is going to be developed in the near future. The irrigation system needs to be thoroughly reconstructed and reequipped technologically. As well as to carry out reconstruction of the green areas increasing the number of high qualified trees and decreasing the bushes.
The realization of all these intended measures are going to be thoroughly over in the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in 2015.
The Director of the Armenian Genocide Musuem & Institute, Hayk Demoyan, introduced a program on 100th anniversary of the Armenian genocide. Afterwards Radik Martirosyan, the president of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, and Hayk Demoyan responded the journalists� questions.
Francois Hollande visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute.
 First Secretary of the French Socialist Party Francois Hollande, accompanied by Kiro Manoyan and Hrant Margaryan, visited the Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute and put a wreath to the memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims. Mr Papoulies wrote in the Commemoration Book:�The Memorial Complex is the expression of all those yesterday�s victims, who claim for justice from the today�s alive�.
�French socialists have done much for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide by France. In 2001, we were the authors of the Armenian Genocide bill, which was passed by both houses of the parliament. We have also initiated the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial.It was passed by the lower house and is waiting for voting in the Senate,� Mr. Holland said. Francois Hollande thinks the Senate will pass the bill criminalizing the Armenian Genocide denial.
Sheela Dekshit visited Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute.
 The chief minister of New Delhi, Sheela Dekshit, visited the Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex and laid a wreath at the Memorial of the victims of the Armenian Genocide.
Mrs. Dekshit also visited the Genocide Museum and wrote in the Commemoration Book: �At this memorial I pay my respectful homage to all the Armenians who suffered such pain and tragedy. I pray that people all over the world unite in preventing such tragic events from being repelled�.
Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial Begins Conversion of Historic Washington, DC Sites into a New Museum.
 The Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial (AGMM) announced today that its Building and Operations Committee signed contracts with Washington area firms specializing in museum planning and construction to begin the development and construction of a stellar museum in the historic National Bank of Washington building and adjacent properties. AGMM selected two firms previously invited to submit proposals for the site. The Committee awarded its phase one museum planning contract to the prestigious firm of Gallagher & Associates, which specializes in the planning, design and management of innovative, informative, and immersive experiences for museums, learning facilities and visitor centers.
Rabbi Danny Rich visited Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex.
 The chief executive of Liberal Judaism organization Rabbi Danny Rich and genocide educator Ruth Barnett with two representatives from Liberal Judaism visited Tsisernakaberd Memorial Complex.
Rabbi Danny Rich planted a fir at the Memory Alley and visited the Genocide Museum. Pray-in ceremony was made at the tree planting site. Guest were hosted by Hayk Demoyan, the director of the Armenian Genocide Musuem & Institute.
The Armenian monument was violated in Lyons.
The successive attack on the monument devoted to the memory of the Genocide victims in Lyons, a city in France. Unknown perpetrators, presumably Turks, poured paint on the monument. The Lyons police have started an investigation.
Photographic competition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex.
The Armenian Genocide Museum & Institute (AGMI) in cooperation with the journal �Yerevan� announce photographic competition dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the foundation of the Armenian Genocide Memorial Complex.
The White House withdrew Richard Hoagland's candidacy
On August 3, the White House withdrew Richard Hoagland's candidacy for the office of the Ambassador in the Republic of Armenia.
The US Senate Commission on International Affairs rejected Richard Hoagland's candidacy for US Ambassador to Armenia twice. In both cases the right of veto was used by Senator from New Jersey Robert Menendez, who announced that the person denying the Armenian Genocide cannot defend interests of the USA in Armenia. During the hearings in front of the Commission Hoagland announced, that he recognizes the events of 1915, but doesn't qualify them as Genocide.
The Armenian Community in the USA and the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) expressed gratitude to the senator Robert Menendez for his fundamental viewpoint, according to which, a person denying the Armenian Genocide must not represent the interests of the USA in Armenia.
Turkish Prime Minister has prohibited to use the expression "the so-called Armenian Genocide"
The Prime Minister of Turkey Receb Tayyip Erdogan has prohibited to use the expression "the so-called Armenian Genocide" in the country. The news of this "secret" directive was made public on July 19 by Turkish "Ulusal Kanal" TV and its website and reposted on several other news sites since then. According to Ulusal Kanal, the Turkish government, on July 3, sent a circular letter to all Turkish ministries, structures attached to them, governors' offices, municipalities, the Higher Education Council, judicial bodies.
John Evans received the association's Raoul Wallenberg award
 Former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Armenia, John Evans, received the association's Raoul Wallenberg award on July 12 during the association's week-long conference in Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The IAGS conference agenda said that the award went to Mr. Evans "for speaking out when diplomats are expected to remain silent, and for calling upon the United States Government to recognizing the Armenian Genocide.
Ragip Zarakolu participated in the 7th Biennial Meeting of the IAGS
 Ragip Zarakolu, publisher-owner of Belge Publishing House, writer for Ozgur Gundem (Free Agenda), prosecuter by Turkey for writing about the Armenian Genocide and Kurds (Istanbul, Turkey), also participated in the 7th Biennial Meeting of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) hosted by the University of Sarajevo's Institute for Research into Crimes against Humanity and International Law.
Two Turks arrested in Switzerland for denying the Armenian Genocide
Two Turks were arrested in Switzerland for denying the Armenian Genocide last week. The Swiss police reported that the Turks were arrested at a conference in the Zurich suburb of Winterthur, where posters were hung up and leaflets distributed rejecting that the killing was genocide. One of them is reported as initiator of the event and the other was shouting slogans before a crowd. The law providing for punishment for the denial of the Armenian Genocide was adopted in Switzerland in 2005. Last week, a Swiss cantonal court upheld the conviction against Dogu Perincek, the leader of the Workers' Party (IP), as well as an order for him to pay a fine of 3,000 Swiss francs ($2,450). Police in the canton of Zurich identified the two arrested individuals as a 57-year-old resident of Germany and a 51-year-old Swiss resident.
Los Angeles Times Managing Editor retires for �killing� a story on Armenian Genocide
After escalating criticism from the Armenian American community for his role in obstructing an article on the Armenian Genocide this April and his discriminatory behavior against Armenian American reporters, Los Angeles Times Managing Editor Douglas Frantz has resigned effective July 6th and will be returning to Istanbul, reported the Armenian National Committee of America-Western Region (ANCA-WR).
This past April Frantz �killed� a story on the Armenian Genocide that was written by Armenian American Los Angeles Times reporter Mark Arax. Frantz had erroneously accused Arax (who recently left the paper) of having a �conflict of interest� regarding reporting on the Armenian Genocide and had also circumvented the standard editorial process for reviewing articles. A subsequent internal investigation by the Times deemed Frantz�s accusations to be completely baseless.
AXA published list of Genocide victims insured till 1915
AXA French Insurance Company has published the list of people who were insured by its Turkish branch till 1915 and who fell victims to the Armenian Genocide. Heirs of the Genocide victims, who find last names of their ancestors in the list, should file an application till October 1, 2007.
Besides, those who are sure that their ancestors were insured by AXA can also submit applications. According to an agreement concluded with the company, AXA will assign $17 million in all. $3 million will be allocated to Armenian benevolent organizations functioning in France. $3 million will cover the costs and will also be spent on notifications to the victims� relations. $11 million will be allotted to the fund that will start paying insurance fees.
Chile Senate calls on government to condemn Armenian Genocide
 June 5 the Chilean government unanimously made a decision to condemn the Armenian Genocide. The draft project was submitted by Socialist Party member Ricardo Nunies Munios. The documents reads, in part, �April 24, 1915 the Turkish government arrested and killed the leaders of the Armenian people in Constantinople and thus initiated the policy of extermination of the Armenian nation. In 1915-1923 some 1.5 million of Armenians who lived on their lands during centuries. This extermination is named the first ethnic cleansing of the 20th century. The Armenian Genocide was recognized by the UN subcommittee on discrimination and protection of national minorities in 1985. Considering these facts the Senate of Chile decreed to recognize the Armenian Genocide and condemn it. It also called to the Chilean government to join the UN resolution of 1985.�
The draft author reminded that the Armenian Genocide has been already recognized by Uruguay, Argentina, Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Italy, Lebanon, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Venezuela, Lithuania, Canada and France as well as the European Parliament and the World Council of Churches, the RA MFA reported.
New genocides result from lack of clear approach to punishment of Armenian Genocide
The Tribunal of Journalism Village held a session entitled �World Recognition of Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Empire and Prevention of Genocide Facts in XI Century� in the framework of the 26th World Congress of International Federation of Journalists May 30, 2007 in Moscow. The statement, in particular reads as follows, �Mass murders and deportation of Armenian population from the Western Armenia (which was on the territory of modern Turkey) are considered to be Genocide of Armenians. The joint statement made by Russia, France and Great Britain in May 1915 defines these crimes as �new crimes against humanity and civilization� which must be accounted by the Ottoman Empire. Turkey has not been punished for the perpetrated crimes that leads to new crimes against other indigenous peoples of Anatolia � Assyrians, Greeks, Kurds and others. Today Turkey is executing blockade of Armenia imposing ungrounded preconditions for establishing intergovernmental relations that is inadmissible within contemporary international relations. Official Turkey denies the historical fact of Genocide against Armenian people and suppresses freedom of speech and persecutes Turkish citizens daring touch upon this subject. Armenian journalist, citizen of Turkey Hrant Dink fell a prey to anti-Armenian and anti-democratic hysteria unleashed at state level regarding �Armenian taboo�. New genocides of ethnic and religious groups, which take place nowadays, result from the lack of adherence to principle and clear approach to the punishment of already committed genocides (including the Armenian Genocide)�.
Genocide exhibit opens at U.N. after compromise reached on killings of Armenians
UNITED NATIONS: An exhibit on the 1994 Rwanda genocide opened Monday at U.N. headquarters after organizers recast a section on the killings of a million Armenians in Turkey during World War I � a reference that angered the Turks.
The exhibit, originally set to open April 9, was postponed after a Turkish diplomat complained about the mention of the Armenian murders. The section now uses the term "mass killings" instead of "murders," does not include the number of people killed, and replaces "Turkey" with "Ottoman Empire."
Armenia's U.N. Ambassador Armen Martirosyan said the reference still reflects the truth, "to some extent. This is a Turkish version of history which is not acceptable for us, but to avoid further postponement of the exhibition, we compromised."
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